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Challenger MMT Meet the Chisel Challenger MMT, our flagship product. The Challenger MMT is the definition of Multi-Modality Training, as it combines the versatility of 9 incline positions with a...


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Challenger MMT

Meet the Chisel Challenger MMT, our flagship product. The Challenger MMT is the definition of Multi-Modality Training, as it combines the versatility of 9 incline positions with a patented linear magnetic resistance system that provides strength-based cardio workouts that challenge the total body without the need for belts, pulleys, cables, or flywheels, and provides an ultra-smooth and durable drive system that requires little to no maintenance.

The Challenger MMT has the ability to transform from a sled, to a stair climber, to a ladder climber, as well as provide the motions of an elliptical and air bike, all from one footprint, saving you space and expense for your gym.

Warranty Info

Structural Warranty   5 Years
Mechanical Warranty  3 Years
Electronic Warranty  2 Years
Grips, Pads, Springs  1 Year
 Labor  1 Year




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