How to Create a Fitness Plan

Getting in shape is a process that often requires a lot of trial and error. The exercise routine that helped your friend shed pounds may not work for you, and your daily yoga routine may not be quite their speed. Everyone has a different pace when it comes to working out, and it’s important to find a routine that works well for you. Devising a personalized workout plan will require a bit of introspection and planning, but when executed well, it can be incredibly rewarding. In fact, a personalized workout plan will often yield better long-term results than a cookie-cutter exercise routine. This guide for how to create a fitness plan will help you devise a routine customized to your skills and goals.

Assess your current fitness level

In terms of how to create a fitness plan, the best place to start is at the very beginning. Start by assessing your current fitness level as it relates to a variety of practices. Go on a brisk 1-mile walk to assess your current cardio stamina, taking care to check your heart rate before and after the walk. You should also measure how long it took you to complete the walk, as this will give you a good base point as you begin your fitness journey. You should also test your current strength and flexibility. A simple way to test your strength is to see how many push-ups or pull-ups you can do consecutively. Remember that it’s okay to adapt these exercises as needed. This is just your starting point, after all. Depending on your current fitness level, you may also want to consult your doctor for help devising a personalized workout plan. They may be able to advise you on exercises or routines that will help you achieve your fitness goals while also bearing in mind your medical history and restrictions. 

Establish goals

Once you’ve set a starting point, it’s time to start looking toward the future. Take some time to decide on concrete goals for yourself. These goals will help you create a more realistic workout plan that will be much easier to maintain in the long run. If you’re having trouble setting goals, consider using the SMART goals method. Goals that follow this method adhere to the following criteria: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based. Goals should be highly specific to your needs and abilities and achievable if given the proper resources. You should also be able to measure your goals in some way, whether that’s in miles run, pounds lost, or amount of weight lifted. Finally, your goals should be time-based. Giving yourself a deadline for achieving these goals is the best way to ensure that you stay on track with your fitness plan. It gives you something to strive for and work toward every day, which will help keep your motivation alive in the long run.

Set a schedule

Many people begin their fitness journeys with great intentions but find their motivation waning after only a few weeks. Setting a schedule is the best way to ensure your motivation endures throughout your entire fitness journey. The most important part of establishing your schedule is to choose a time that works best for you. Many people find that working out at the same time every day yields the best results, as it helps get you into a more reliable routine. You should also decide the frequency with which you will exercise each week. Working out every day may seem like the best way to achieve fast results, but it can also lead to burnout much more quickly. Try to schedule at least two or three days for exercise a week, at least at the beginning. This will help you get into a routine, and you will be able to ramp up the frequency as you build your stamina. Be sure to factor a few rest days into your schedule as well.

Experiment with equipment

As we’ve stated, fitness is a highly individual practice and what works for one person may not work for another. As such, it’s important to experiment with a variety of exercises and equipment to find what works best to help you achieve your exercise goals. Treadmills and ellipticals, for instance, can help you build stamina, strengthen core and leg muscles, or improve cardiovascular health. Both pieces of equipment are highly effective, but one may work better for some people than others. Take the time to experiment find which are most effective for you. Don’t be afraid to try a new piece of equipment or introduce a new exercise to your routine every once in a while, either. This will help keep your workouts interesting and decrease the likelihood of burnout over time. Once you’ve found a few favorite pieces of equipment, stop by American Home Fitness. At our workout equipment store in Sterling Heights and the surrounding areas, you’ll be able to find the perfect pieces to aid in your fitness journey.

Track your progress

As technology becomes smarter and smarter, it also becomes increasingly simple to track your fitness progress. Use an app to help you monitor the amount of exercise you receive each day, some of which also allow you to track your eating and sleep habits. If you prefer, you can also take a slightly laxer approach and track your progress by hand. Create a journal that details your progress toward your goals, and try to mark down every benchmark you hit, even if it seems insignificant. Mark every mile you run or pound you drop, and you’ll quickly start to see the results grow. 

Be flexible

Above all else, remember that it’s okay to change your fitness plan over time. The plan you create today isn’t set in stone. In fact, your fitness plan should change slightly as you become more comfortable with the exercises and your stamina begins to grow. Don’t be afraid to swap out parts of your routine or try an entirely new exercise occasionally. Not only will this help keep your routine interesting, but it will also help you gain confidence in a wider variety of exercises.

Fitness Plan