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PRECOR EFX 835 ELLIPTICAL The ultimate Precor elliptical, the Experience™ Series 800 Line features our patented converging CrossRamp® technology that follows your natural stride. Just imagine, when you walk, your...


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The ultimate Precor elliptical, the Experience™ Series 800 Line features our patented converging CrossRamp® technology that follows your natural stride. Just imagine, when you walk, your feet converge toward the midline of your body, instead of staying in line with your hips. This converging motion is replicated in our 800 Line ellipticals and are featured in fitness centers, universities, and hotels across the world. Similar to our 200, 400, and 600 Lines of home and commercial ellipticals, you can isolate or cross train specific lower body muscle groups simply by adjusting the angle of the ramp, making it easy to target different muscle groups, to encourage training variance, and propel results.

The EFX® 835 with Converging CrossRamp® combines reliability with a natural converging stride path to give you the perfect elliptical for your facility.  Carrying on in the tradition of Precor reliability and service, the EFX is easy to clean and maintain with a covered ramp and rear drive housing, and Active Status Light - all to improve your ownership experience.  For exercisers, the EFX 835 combines the benefits of our patented CrossRamp® technology and moving handlebars for a total-body workout. The adjustable CrossRamp® technology offers ramp inclines from 10 to 35 degrees to target different muscle groups for more workout variety. And, our unique converging stride path allows the exerciser's footpath to converge naturally - just like walking or running.  The P31 console features easy-to-use motion controls and an LED-based display that focuses on the essential fitness stats that keep users informed and engaged.

Converging CrossRamp® Technology


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