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The Precor SCL® 835 Stair Climber far exceeds the status quo and invites you to step up to an experience that will delight. Made from durable, high-performance parts and tested...


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The Precor SCL® 835 Stair Climber far exceeds the status quo and invites you to step up to an experience that will delight. Made from durable, high-performance parts and tested beyond industry standards, the StairClimber is built for reliability and performance. The thoughtful design delivers an ultra-smooth operation and an engaging workout every step of the way. 

The P31 console features easy-to-use motion controls and an LED display that focuses on the essential fitness stats to keep you informed and engaged.

The new Precor Stairclimber is endurance tested for 10M+ steps, with a step chain that boasts a 43% higher dynamic strength than the competition. It’s quality you can count on.

Recommended Ceiling Height: 9 ft 9 in / 3 m*

*9’9” ceiling height accommodates a 6’ 5” person standing on the top step with 3” of head clearance


The Dynamic Step Control™ system, with an industry-leading tolerance of +/- 0.5 steps per minute, ensures an accurate, consistent step rate, whether slow or fast, for exercisers of all sizes.

Precor SCL 835 Stair Climber

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